Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Kentucky Medical Services in Workers’ Comp: How Does It Works?

Under Kentucky’s workers’ compensation laws, a worker who has been injured on the job or developed a work-related illness may receive paid medical care. All medical payments are the responsibility of the employer and are usually handled by a workers’ compensation insurance administrator. The injured worker is not required to make co-payments for medical treatment under a workers’ compensation claim.

Fees available to physicians, hospitals and pharmacists are set by the Commonwealth every two years. No excess charges or co-pays should ever be billed to the patient.

If your employer is disputing your right to paid medical care for an on-the-job injury or you are being billed for treatment related to your job-related injury or illness, you need to speak to an experienced KY workers’ compensation attorney right away. At Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer in Kentucky, we fight for injured workers. Our mission is to help you receive the proper KY workers’ compensation benefits provided by law.

Workers’ Comp Medical Benefits in Kentucky

Workers’ compensation is state-mandated no-fault insurance coverage provided to almost all full- and part-time employees in Kentucky. Most employers are required to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage.

To take full advantage of the benefits available to you, you need to understand the breadth of what qualifies as a medical payment in the KY workers’ comp system.

Kentucky law (KRS 342.020) says that “the employer shall pay for the cure and relief from the effects of an injury or occupational disease as may reasonably be required at the time of the injury and thereafter … or as may be required for the cure and treatment of an occupational disease.”

Work-related medical expenses may be payable for life in cases of permanent disability or terminal illness and must be paid within 30 days of receipt by the employer without copayments or deductibles.

Medical expenses covered by workers’ compensation include:

  • Ambulance and emergency room fees
  • Fees charged by doctors and chiropractors
  • Prescription costs
  • Hospital bills
  • Surgical supplies and appliances
  • Costs of nursing care
  • Tests (such as x-rays and MRIs)
  • Durable medical equipment
  • Disposable medical supplies
  • Prosthetics and braces
  • Travel expenses to and from medical appointments
  • Vocational and occupational rehabilitation.

If your employer or their insurer challenges the validity of a medical expense, the employee may appeal to an Administrative Law Judge employed by the workers’ comp system to determine whether the expense is reasonable. There may be workers’ compensation case law that points to the validity of the workers’ claim. However, the ALJ cannot share this information, and it is certainly against the employer’s interests to do so.

This is when an experienced KY workers’ compensation attorney can be of great assistance to you. A Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer workers’ compensation attorney will gather medical evidence, prepare your appeal and advocate for you to receive the full medical benefits available under Kentucky law.

Choosing Your Own Doctor in a KY Workers’ Comp Claim

Injured workers in Kentucky have a right to select the physician who treats them. The designated physician will provide primary treatment to the injured or ill worker and will be responsible for referring the employee to additional medical care providers as necessary.

If your employer participates in a managed health care network, you are required to select a doctor from the list of physicians within the managed care network. Except when emergency treatment is required, your designated physician must be in-network.

A workers’ compensation claimant may change their designated physician once without questions or permission. Additional changes require the employer’s or insurance carrier’s consent or for a workers’ compensation judge to approve the change if the employer/insurer objects.

However, an injured worker may seek a second opinion from an out-of-network doctor regarding major recommendations, such as surgery, at their employer’s expense.

When assigned to a workers’ compensation managed care plan, the injured or ill worker may also go outside of the network for:

  • Emergency medical care
  • Continued care from a physician who provided emergency care
  • Other treatment from a non-network physician begun prior to assignment to the plan
  • To receive treatment from a medical specialist through a referral by the designated physician in the managed care plan
  • Treatment not available through the plan.

These are rights provided to workers’ compensation recipients under Kentucky law. Most workers who find themselves suddenly injured on the job or diagnosed with an occupational illness have no idea how the KY workers’ compensation system works or the range of benefits it is supposed to provide.

A workers’ compensation lawyer from Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer in Kentucky can review your disputed claim at no charge and advise you about your proper benefits. If you are being unjustly denied medical benefits for a workplace injury, our legal team can challenge those decisions for you based on our decades of experience as worker advocates handling appeals in the KY workers’ compensation system.

Contact a Lexington, KY, Workers Comp Attorney

An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer from Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer can give you the Kentucky Courage needed to stand up to an employer or insurance administrator that is disputing your right to workers’ compensation medical benefits.

Most injured workers hire an attorney to file a workers’ compensation claim because of the complexity of the claims process. Don’t leave money on the table that you need. Our law firm is proud to have settled more than $200 million in workers’ comp benefits for hardworking Kentuckians like you.

Contact us today to set up your free legal consultation. We will not charge a legal fee unless we recover money for you. You don’t have to take on the insurance company by yourself. We stand ready to fight for you now.

The post Kentucky Medical Services in Workers’ Comp: How Does It Works? appeared first on Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer.

from Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer https://www.kentuckycourage.com/blog/medical-services-in-ky-for-workers-compensation/
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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Kentucky Has the Politest Drivers in the Country

Kentucky drivers, your generally good manners reflect well on you.

A recent study performed by the online insurance comparison website Insurify found that Kentucky has the most polite drivers in the nation. Out of 1,000 drivers, only 9.9 received a citation for one of the traffic offenses categorized as a “rude” infraction, giving Kentucky the lowest proportion of rude motorists. The national average for rude infractions is 29.6 citations per 1,000 drivers.

The rankings relied on traffic infraction data from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

The traffic violations studied and ranked in the U.S. included the following:

  • Failure to yield the right of way
  • Failure to yield to pedestrians
  • Tailgating
  • Improper backing
  • Illegal passing
  • Street racing
  • Running red lights
  • Failing to stop after causing a crash/hit-and-run

Failing to stop for a red light is the most common offense committed by rude drivers.

Kentucky Driver Infraction Patterns

When it comes to violations for not yielding the right of way or tailgating violations, for example, Kentucky was 79.4% and 75.4% lower than the national average, respectively. In other words, Kentucky drivers, to their credit, yielded and avoided tailgating more often than their counterparts in other states. The rate of hit and runs in Kentucky is 62.6% lower than the national average and quite low compared to many states.

By comparison, one of Kentucky’s neighbors, Virginia, is home to the rudest or least law-abiding drivers, according to Insurify.

Insurify’s study suggested a willingness for motorists in Kentucky to pay attention to drivers around them and behave respectfully. Insurify concluded that driver obedience to traffic rules was higher in Kentucky than in any other state.

This is consistent with earlier findings. Louisville and Lexington motorists previously received recognition in a separate study as the second-best and tenth-best drivers out of the 75 most populous cities in the country. The safety precautions that Kentucky drivers take is one of the reasons they made it to the top of the list. In general, Kentuckians tend to be courteous, especially when they’re sharing the road with other vehicles.

Driving Etiquette

In day-to-day driving, there’s a certain level of basic road etiquette required by motorists. When they don’t follow the rules of the road, accidents happen.

When motorists are driving to work, school, or to run errands, they often feel stressed by daily responsibilities. They may be running late or rushing to complete errands before their dinner plans with friends or family. Whatever the reason, many drivers take out their frustrations on strangers in other vehicles.

According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 80% of all motorists in the country admitted to at least one incident of road rage within a one-year time frame.

Despite traffic laws, rude drivers engage in risky behind-the-wheel behavior. They are impatient, angry, and rushing to get to where they need to go. In a situation where people should operate vehicles respectfully, they instead choose to drive recklessly.

They run red lights, make illegal turns, follow too closely, pass in no-passing zones and fail to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks. Their irresponsible behavior can have devastating consequences.

Police officers do what they can to enforce the rules of the road, but the reality is accidents still happen. Despite writing tickets, law enforcement officers cannot prevent rude drivers from creating dangerous situations that put others at risk and lead to accidents.

All drivers should be aware of their obligation to try to avoid traffic crashes. Each driver in the Commonwealth has a legal responsibility to drive with reasonable care.

It’s essential to pay attention to your surroundings and remain alert for sudden changes in traffic conditions to anticipate potentially dangerous situations. While Kentucky drivers are generally polite, that doesn’t mean that aggressive drivers and rude drivers are non-existent in the Commonwealth. Every city and state has some rude and dangerous drivers. It only takes one irresponsible driver to cause a serious accident.

Some motorists disregard traffic signs and signals and other rules of the road. Some drivers disregard the requirement to keep a safe distance from the car in front or watch out for pedestrians crossing the road. Even if you know you have the right of way, it’s important to check the motorists around you to ensure they have stopped before you proceed. You should remain cautious and drive defensively at all times.

It can be difficult to keep your emotions in check when another driver is operating a vehicle aggressively. But it’s important to keep your composure and not make the situation worse by losing your cool.

A driver who acts negligently and causes an accident may be liable for injuries to others.

Kentucky Auto Accident Attorneys

If you or your loved one has sustained any injuries in an auto accident in Kentucky, contact the personal injury lawyers at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer. We provide a free case review. There’s no risk or obligation for the initial consultation with one of our experienced Kentucky auto accident attorneys. We are available to meet with you to review the details of your crash and discuss your legal rights and options.

We understand the devastating effects of a car accident. Our goal is to help our clients recover financial compensation to cover their medical bills and related expenses and move forward with their lives.

We serve Kentucky drivers at our Lexington office and other convenient locations, including Manchester, London, Hazard, Paducah, Paintsville, Somerset and Princeton. Our team of legal professionals is available 24/7 to answer your questions and provide guidance. Call us at 877-959-5309 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. You will not be charged a legal fee unless we win money for you through a negotiated settlement or verdict.

The post Kentucky Has the Politest Drivers in the Country appeared first on Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer.

from Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer https://www.kentuckycourage.com/blog/kentucky-has-the-politest-drivers-in-the-country/
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