Thursday, November 18, 2021

Qualifications in Compensating Workers for Permanent Partial Disabilities

The objective of workers’ compensation is to support the injured worker until he or she has recovered and can return to work. Most individuals do recover and return to work, at which time the benefits end. Some workers return to their jobs with permanent impairments as a result of their workplace injuries.

A worker who is able to perform some work but has physical impairments from a work-related injury may be eligible for Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) benefits. PPD benefits are one of the most commonly paid workers’ comp wage-replacement benefits.

Should you be getting PPD for your workplace injury? You may be back at work but coping with pain and physical limitations that qualify for additional benefits. If you have questions about whether you are receiving all of the Kentucky workers’ compensation benefits you deserve, contact a workers’ compensation lawyer from Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer.

Our attorneys are known for bringing Kentucky Courage to stand up and fight for justice for injured workers when the going is tough.

What Is Permanent Partial Disability?

When an injured worker has recovered enough to return to work but still has a permanent impairment, Permanent Partial Disability benefits (PPD) may be available to them. Total Disability Benefits would be available if the person couldn’t work at all or was determined to be totally disabled because of blindness, loss of both hands, or full paralysis.

The term permanent means the worker’s impairment is not expected to improve significantly in the future. However, the word permanent does not describe how long benefits last. Payment for partial disability is usually limited to 425 weeks.

If an employee does not have the physical stamina or capacity to return to the type of work he or she performed at the time of their injury and therefore earns less as a result, their weekly benefit is increased.

Common Injuries That May Lead to PPD BenefitsUS Soldier With PTSD

A wide range of medical conditions may result in permanent loss of mobility, dexterity, other physical abilities or cognitive abilities, or in debilitating psychological issues.

Injuries that may lead to PPD, among them are:

  • Back injuries. Lower back injuries are by far the most common work-related cause of chronic pain that limits mobility
  • Repetitive strain injury (RSI), from wear and tear affecting muscles, nerves, ligaments, and tendons
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI), which may cause physical, cognitive, and/or psychological impairment
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome and similar repetitive motion injuries to the hands and wrists
  • Loss of body parts
  • Hearing loss
  • Loss of vision (in one eye)
  • Knee injury
  • Respiratory illness
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

How Does a Doctor Determine Lost Function or Permanent Partial Disability?

When a patient receiving workers’ compensation reaches a state of maximum medical improvement, the doctor either certifies the patient as fully recovered or assigns the patient a permanent impairment rating.

A permanent impairment rating is a measurement of the patient’s whole-body functional impairment caused by injury or occupational disease. It is expressed as a percentage of impairment.

Physicians must use the American Medical Association’s Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment to assess the patient and rate their permanent loss of function. The guide provides assessment tools and a rigorous methodology that are designed to enable fair and consistent evaluations.

The number of weekly PPD payments that the worker will receive depends on the disability rating, the worker’s income, and other factors. With a permanent disability rating of 50% or less, benefit payments will last for 425 weeks (more than eight years). But a permanent disability rating greater than 50% will earn benefits for 520 weeks (10 years).

The patient’s impairment rating is multiplied by a factor, a number, to establish the “permanent disability rating.” A chart established by law matches ranges of impairment ratings with specific multipliers (factors).

For example, impairment ratings of 21-25% are multiplied by a factor of 1.15. A worker with a 20% impairment rating would therefore have a disability rating of 23% (20 x 1.15 = 23) and be provided benefits for 425 weeks.

Impairment ratings of 31-35% are multiplied by a factor of 1.50, so a 34% impairment rating is the lowest that could qualify for 520 weeks of benefits (34 x 1.5 = 51). Impairment ratings of 36% and higher are multiplied by a factor of 1.70.

The calculations of permanent partial disability are complicated. A qualified workers’ compensation attorney can make sure you are receiving the full benefits available by law.

How to Determine Permanent Partial Disability Benefits in Kentucky

Actual PPD payments begin with a benefit based on two-thirds of the worker’s weekly wages prior to the injury. So, two-thirds of a weekly wage of $750 is $500.

Multiply that by an impairment rating of 20% and you have $100. Multiply that figure by a factor of 1.0 applied to impairment ratings of 11-20%, and the benefit is $100 per week.

But with an impairment rating of 21%, the $500 yields a $105 base benefit, which would be multiplied by a factor of 1.15 to become $120.75 per week, or an extra $8,818.75 in benefits ($20.75 over 425 weeks).

That’s how much your physician-assigned impairment rating matters.Businessman Suffering From Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

At this point, additional multipliers may be applied to the benefit. The law recognizes that an injured worker who cannot return to work needs more assistance than someone who can resume earning a living. Therefore, the benefit derived above would be multiplied by 3 for a worker who could not return to the type of work he or she performed at the time of injury.

If the employee returns to work for pay equal to or greater than what they earned pre-injury, no multiplier will be added. But if at some point there is an interruption in that employment, the weekly benefit will be multiplied by 2 during the period of unemployment.

For injuries occurring on or after July 14, 2000, if the employee lacks the physical capacity to return to the same type of work, multipliers will be applied to their benefit according to the worker’s education level and age if they are 50 years or older.

Contact Our KY Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

As you can see, Kentucky workers’ compensation rules are complex and the differences in one decision or another can prove very costly to you. If you have questions about a lingering occupational injury and the correct amount of permanent partial disability benefits that you should receive, contact a workers’ compensation lawyer from Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer today. Meet with us for a free discussion of how we can maximize your KY workers’ comp benefit. Phone us at (877) 809-5352 or contact us online today.

The post Qualifications in Compensating Workers for Permanent Partial Disabilities appeared first on Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer.

from Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Getting Compensation for Property Damage Caused by a Car Accident

Kentucky law allows you to seek payment for property damage that occurs in a car crash caused by another motorist. Typically, this is compensation for the cost of repairing or replacing your motor vehicle. But you may also seek reimbursement for other property losses, such as items in the car that were damaged such as a laptop computer or a pet, or for damage to your home caused by a car hitting it.

If you or a family member has been in a car accident that has resulted in substantial property damage, call a Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer car accident lawyer in Lexington or one of our other Kentucky locations to review the details. We’ll be straightforward about whether we can help you. If so, we’ll demand full payment for your property damage as part of the maximum compensation we seek for you in a car accident claim.

What is Considered Property Damage in an Auto Accident Claim?

The main type of property damage we think of in a car accident claim is vehicle damage. Even a fender-bender can result in several thousands of dollars worth of property damage to a passenger vehicle. You may also seek compensation for any personal or real property damaged or destroyed if you can establish:

  • It was damaged in the car accident.
  • The value lost due to the damage and/or the cost to recover the loss through repair or replacement.

If you have to repair your car after an accident caused by another motorist, you may be able to recover compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance to cover the repair bills. If the insurance company declared your vehicle a total loss, you should be eligible to receive the compensation necessary to buy a comparable vehicle.

If your pet was injured, you should be able to present veterinary bills to establish your costs due to your pet’s injury. Pets are considered property. Any other significant property damage may also be compensable if you can show the cost to replace it or have it repaired.

Frequently Asked Questions About Property Damage Claims

What should I do after a car accident?

Documentation of the property damage is key to recovering the compensation you are due after a car accident. The police accident report may identify the vehicle damage. Keep copies of any document related to your costs and losses in the accident, starting with vehicle towing costs. Property damage costs are easily quantified on bills, receipts, or estimates.wreck car

In most cases, the automotive insurance carrier will ask you to get estimates for the cost to repair your vehicle. You should get at least three estimates, preferably from high-quality repair shops. You need to comply with the insurer’s instructions for filing a claim, but do not sign or record any statements about the accident. You could be signing away your right to compensation.

If the insurance adjuster decides that your car is not worth repairing, the insurer should write you a check for your car’s actual cash value (ACV). If your insurer pays for your vehicle damage, your insurer would then seek reimbursement from the at-fault driver’s insurer. The ACV should be based on your car’s Kelley Blue Book value and data about car sales in your area, minus any damage that existed before the accident. You should establish the Kelly Blue Book value of your car. If your car had any upgrades, such as a custom paint job or upgraded aftermarket parts, you should document them and their value as part of your claim.

What damages am I entitled to recover?

Your property damage claim should include any losses you can document due to damage to or destruction of personal or real property caused by the car accident. You may claim costs for:

  • Use of original equipment manufactured parts in your vehicle’s repairs. Insist upon the same quality and type of parts that were on your car before it was damaged
  • Rental car or public transportation, taxis, or ride-shares while your car is unavailable.

Am I entitled to a rental car?

Yes, if it will be some time before your vehicle is repaired, you may rent a car and include the rental car costs as part of your claim. If your injuries prevent you from driving, you may seek reimbursement for reasonable transportation costs, such as travel to doctor appointments. Reasonable cost means taking public transportation, taxis, or ride-shares, as they are available.

What if the driver who caused the accident is uninsured?

In Kentucky, insurers must offer uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage as part of the auto liability insurance policy. Car owners can decline UM/UIM coverage, but that is a mistake. UM/UIM coverage is what a policyholder would turn to if the driver who caused your car accident has no auto insurance or too little insurance to cover all your losses. If the at-fault driver carried the minimum insurance required in Kentucky and it did not pay for all your damages, your UM/UIM coverage would provide compensation to make up the difference.

Minimum liability coverage in Kentucky, which most car owners buy, pays $25,000 for all property damage as a result of any one accident. UM/UIM coverage is typically equivalent to your liability coverage.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer About Property Damages in KY

There are many tactics an insurance company may use to pay you less than you are due for property damage in a car accident. The adjuster might declare your repairable car totaled if it is an older model with less actual cash value (ACV), for example. The company may tell you that your personal or real property damaged by a car crash isn’t covered. An experienced Kentucky car accident lawyer can help make sure you get the full insurance settlement you deserve after a car accident.

At Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer, we know what Kentucky insurance law allows and what obligations it puts on insurance providers. We also have access to information about car values in the Kentucky market and can review any settlement offered for a totaled car. Contact us in Lexington today for a free meeting about handling your car accident claim and/or reviewing the settlement offer you have received. Phone (877) 809-5352 or reach out online now.

The post Getting Compensation for Property Damage Caused by a Car Accident appeared first on Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer.

from Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer